The Gallipoli
The Gallipoli 100 was a surfboat race featuring surfboats manned by Australian, New Zealand and Turkish crews held on 21 and 22 April 2015 from Eceabat (SL Kilitbahir - Çanakkale) to North Beach (FL Ariburnu).
Denied access to ANZAC Cove on the centenary of the landing, at 0430 on 25 April, at Gallipoli Village the Australian and New Zealand crews re-enacted the landing.
There were many life savers and future life savers who fought at Gallipoli, including a number of our pre-war life savers did not return.
The design of the landing boats used at Gallipoli proved suitable in negotiating
treacherous surf, a design that evolved into the surf boats that patrol our
beaches today and save lives.
This website, once a site used to engender interest in a future event,
now details what happened, giving opportunity for those who took part to tell
their stories.